Monday, December 15, 2014

What a weekend!!!

We have a tradition to go to Kraynaks each year with the Tharans to walk thru Christmas tree lane. We were to go last weekend and strep throat attacked our house. Sad kiddos caused for a reschedule to this weekend. Kevin and Bryan were busy, so Lauren and I ventured with our four plus cousin Griffin. Thanks to Wendy and randy, we had some awesome wheels and a wild ride!

There were lots and lots of favorite trees this year...even frozen!

We then hit Daffins candy store...the highlight wasn't the chocolate, but a big guy in a red suit!!

Bryanna and Santa shared some secret words about the wooden cross around his neck...I'm not allowed to's a secret with Santa! 

And Hanna told Santa she's been a good girl this year...and would really like a frozen scooter!

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